Jul 30 2014
Expanding Into Our Multi-Dimensional Selves
This is an urgent message for only some of you that contains specialized information and instructions on how we can step into our FULL expression of ourselves, which will not only help us expand into our multi-dimensional selves, it will also help us bring in the BIG energy of these Spirit Babies that are knocking on our doors and asking to be born. Join me, Pioneering Sisters, in making the IMPOSSIBLE possible. Click here to purchase this video – it’s just $11.11.
Aug 02, 2014 @ 07:45:42
I love love loved this video. I have a question for you Kate. Can an experience like this be somewhat physically painful? Has it been for you at all? For a few months now I’ve randomly devolved pain/tingling in my wrist and elbows and my gut has been telling me it’s some kind of an ascention process since it started. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks so much, for everything π
Kate Street
Aug 02, 2014 @ 08:31:37
Oh Barby, you READ MY MIND! I was just thinking I have to do a follow-up video to all the “symptoms” we may experience while going through this. Oh, yes, unfortunately pain (and fatigue) can come with this….
Definitely listen to your intuition. It’s right on. β₯
Aug 04, 2014 @ 19:54:09
I’ve been trying for 4 days to get in touch with you,but my emails are all undeliverable to your box? REally,really strange because my computer is sending the emails to you at least 20 times by itself,yet they aren’t delivered. I purchased this video twice and have not been able to tell you. So now I must make that public knowledge. Yes, I’m experiencing A LOT of electronic,technological glitches in my daily life. Some are so strange that I’ve stopped analyzing them. I hope this email goes through. I was also thinking of a symptoms video. The vibrations come on suddenly and strong now or sometimes I can’t feel them.
Kate Street
Aug 05, 2014 @ 15:41:04
Anna, I’m so glad you posted this here, as I’ve been feeling strongly that many of MY emails are not reaching the intended person (and I mean the people I’ve emailed from the Love From Baby community). I did resend the link to you and will try to do it again (I didn’t even get notification of your comment here!). This is not the first time that communications between people “of light” are not connecting ~ many factors are involved I’m sure! Trying again right now….
Aug 06, 2014 @ 07:55:38
Hi Kate,
Just wondering if there is a way to get the link again to your light body video. I have purchased to view but cannot find my way back and wasn’t able to view the whole message with an internal phone call coming through. I wanted to also thank you for the energy circle on the 17th that was significant to messages I was receiving. This journey is by far taking a step up a notch with challenges for us to be a higher vibration for our spirit babies to come through. Thank you ever so much for your guidence. It’s been invaluable.
Kate Street
Aug 06, 2014 @ 13:58:59
emailing it to you, Sister!
Aug 24, 2014 @ 09:45:14
Again Kate, you are so hitting the nail on the head…
The whole seeing things from an expanded view is GOLD for me, thank you so much for providing me with that sentence that i can tell myself that means so much to me that i can use to make possible a change in approach that ive been struggling to adopt.
I’m gonna share a story. I’ve had acne all my life and I went on the pill for about 8 years and that made it better, though it never went away completely. i went off the pill over a year ago and my acne just came back with revenge haha i laugh, but its been tough, im almost 30 years old, just got married and having to deal with severe adult acne has affected me in so many ways that im sure you and everyone here can imagine. On the other hand, its been a thing thats kinda “kept me on course”, kind of like as long as my acne doesnt go away im gonna keep searching and being on this spiritual path or whatever, because physical ailments are what got me on this path to begin with. ive been treating my acne in different varied holistic ways and ive had better and worse moments throughout this past year. a couple of weeks ago i had this 180 degree awareness shift regarding my acne and my face started clearing up, up to the point where i had 3 (THREE!!!) zits. thats like, heaven for me, my face hasnt looked that good since 2012. i was elated, i felt like i had been able to apply a new approach to an old problem (like you are describing here) and i was feeling full of hope and empowerment. this lasted for about 2 weeks… 3 days ago my face broke out BIG TIME and ive been having thoughts of “im never gonna be able to fix this, who am i kidding, here i am with the old problem again” etc. so when you speak about old problems coming back, oh boy do i get it. Every time my face has broken out ive thought something along the lines of “wheres the lesson? what am i supoosed to discover? what is this telling me? whats the new approach i should take?” so now, 5 minutes away from having seen this video, im trying to figure out what my “expanded view” is to me. i know it has to have something to do with letting go mentally. i need to let my mind relax and understand that i dont have a clue whats going on on a mental level, and stop searching for the right approach, or the new method. example: my latest “acne remedy” is an oil i was told to take and for some reason ive been forgetting to take it, and my husband keeps asking me why wont i take something thats supposed to be good for me. i decided to accept the fact that i forget neither as a positive nor a negative thing, and trust that it is a part of a process, so now when you talk about not relying on things anymore it clicks (although it does so mentally, arghhhh π
the term expanded view resonates with me because in a way it doesnt seem like a mental tool at all. its hard though, cause in a way our minds feel like they’re the only portal that we have to access all this other incredible realm and i feel like im in a catch 22…which victimizes me, and thats why i am dropping this old idea, which is just an idea, which doesnt add anything helpful or positive to the journey.
my husband and i are getting ready to move back home after living abroad for a while, old patterns and problems are hitting us on the head by the minute, and i can already tell that we are (and feel ready to) deal with old things in a new way… send some courage our way π
sorry for the long message, i guess i really needed to share this. THANK YOU once more for speaking right to my heart. i hope everyone here is having a fantastic sunday. lots and lots of love!!!!!!!
Kate Street
Aug 25, 2014 @ 16:18:46
Magda, I love your whole long message! What an aware, in-tune Mama you are. Such a lovely addition to our Love From Baby community. Thank you so much for sharing yourself in this way. I look forward to hearing more from you. β₯