Aug 5 2014
“Symptoms” of Lightbody Transformation
This video talks about the things you may experience as you undergo the transformation into your Lightbody. I daresay that anyone who finds themselves on this site is undergoing a radical physical and spiritual transformation even as we speak. And yet with that being said, not everyone is ready for this information. The information in this video blog is highly recommended for those who have gone through “The TTC-Game-Changer Package”, those that have viewed the video about “Working with the New Energy”, as well as those who participated in the July 17th event and those that viewed the “Embracing Our Multi-dimensional Selves” video. In this video I talk about the PHYSICAL symptoms that may be associated with the transformation of your body into one that is in vibrational harmony with your Spirit Baby.
* Even though this video is almost 20 minutes long, I’ve only scratched the surface of the “symptoms” that can be associated with this vibrational transformation. Others include ringing in the ears, feeling a humming sensation in each cell, as well as experiencing technological interference (case in point, my cell phone and computer are both acting funny. I’ve also been known to blow light bulbs out. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?). I’ll address this and more emotional symptoms in another video to come. ♥
Aug 07, 2014 @ 08:42:15
Thank you so much for making this video, Kate! You just connected so many dots for me, it’s insane! The exhaustion and some of the emotions, I totally expected and felt prepared for just allowing it all to happen as it’s been happening (a weird combination of bracing myself and letting things pass all at the same time). Even the weight gain has been something that I didn’t understand, but just kind of threw up my hands and said “fuck it” when it became painfully clear that my usual methods for losing it kept causing more issues. What has completely blind-sided me is how things that used to be comfortable for me (my job, relationships with friends, even how my dog acts around me) has gotten into this really dissonant place. I honestly cannot remember ever experiencing these relationships with this much discomfort. That’s about the right word for it, too – “discomfort.” Things that are happening inside my body, I feel like I can completely embrace and allow (“oh, my foot hurts right now. Interesting! I wonder how long it will last”), but I am having a really REALLY hard time allowing work to go to shit and my friendships to go crazy. And it’s completely breaking my heart that one of my dogs wants nothing to do with me lately (like, refuses to sit near me on the couch anymore).
Kate Street
Aug 07, 2014 @ 14:16:29
My foot hurts often too ~ “grounding energy” I’m told. Oh, so sorry about your doggie, but I’m sure it’s just temporary as she adjusts to your new frequency. The weight gain ~ ugh! ~ but it is very affirming to hear from others the same experiences AND the same allowing. Again temporary. I’m chomping at the bit to do another expanded video about the symptoms. I’m also encouraging questions that you might want addressed. I’ve received some good questions already and it’s SUCH an important topic with very little info available. Much LOVE, Kristen!
Aug 07, 2014 @ 16:25:13
Thanks, Kate! What I’d really like to know is where my spirit babies play into this. I’ve had some strong connection with them for several months and while I don’t necessarily feel like I’ve lost that in any way, it definitely feels like they’re in a different space than they were before…if that makes any sense. The connection I used to have felt very strong, but it’s gotten lighter in recent weeks and much more focused on one spirit baby instead of the 3 I’ve been interacting with. …it’s hard to put into words. I can feel them basically cheering for me and this entire process, but they definitely feel like they’re further away at the same time. Is this all a natural part of this process, too?
Kate Street
Aug 08, 2014 @ 14:18:30
Such a good question and yes, it’s a natural part of the process. I’ll talk more in depth about it in the next video. Thank you for sharing ~ all these concerns and questions are SO IMPORTANT to address!
Aug 08, 2014 @ 18:30:23
So,my ability to use my computer,email,etc is off again. I’m finding my patience is null when it comes to electronic glitches. I sometimes can make my computer work,but lately say “fuck you computer for not working”,and get naughty visions of me tossing it into my lake. Um… how does this affect our significant others? I know it does affect them, but am not clear on how. Plus I can’t focus on anything to try and figure it out. Heartburn and nausea is a symptom that isn’t fun lately. I hate to post this ,but here it goes stomach discomforts…diarrhea. Crazy,how did we get to this? All we wanted was a baby. I’m working on the black cat again,but have told it to stay away until it completely heals . It causes me to get very uncomfortable and upset when I see him. Then one day his shadow was that of an old man,yet it was a cat in physical form. The shadow and the animal didn’t match up! I’m still trying to figure that one out. Love & Light to ALL
Kate Street
Aug 08, 2014 @ 20:39:40
Oh GAWD yes, diarrhea and digestive issues GALORE! This is definitely one of the things I’ll cover in the next video (and there IS a good reason for it, which I’ve touched upon before but will do so in more detail). The cat is interesting! Care to share more here or in an email? These questions and issues are perfect ~ keep ’em coming if you wish!
Aug 09, 2014 @ 13:38:12
Thank you Kate! My wrists, elbows and shoulders have been killing me lately and the fact that it was floating from one side to the next was throwing me off until you mentioned that its quite common (yay! I’m not crazy!) 🙂 Another symptom of mine is acne in my 30’s when I’ve literally never had a pimple before in my teens/twenty’s. That one had bothered me the most but now I just see it as my body releasing what it no longer needs (but why oh why does it have to come out of my face?? Lol). I find the more and more I’m understanding about this process the easier I can deal with these symptoms. And I thank you for that Kate.
I think it’s such a wondrous thing that my body is able to shift like this to invite these perfect souls to me, I feel so powerful. Looking forward to the next video already Kate!