higher dimensional parenting

Spirit Babies: What They Want You to Know (Part 4: Your Journey)

This really is about YOUR journey….

11/11 Gateway and Spirit Baby Dreams Are On the Rise!


Dearest Sisters, We’ve just entered into a powerful gateway of the 11:11 and perhaps you’ve noticed that your dreams are taking on an even more surreal tone this week. There is no doubt that the Spirit Baby Realm is taking full advantage of this cosmic opportunity to contact their future parents. And know that if you are reading this page it’s because you have recently contacted with your baby through a dream OR you are about to. In essence, this is an invitation from your own Spirit Baby to consciously utilize your dreamtime to communicate with each other.

The tricky thing about dreams though, is that they’re not always straight-forward. Many women come to this site in the first place for help in interpreting a Spirit Baby Dream. So, the babies are going to give us some help today.

If you want to use this powerful energetic week as an opportunity to get to know your Spirit Baby better in dreamtime, use some of these guidelines before falling to sleep:

* Tell your baby that you are open and willing to meet in your dreams.

* Ask that your baby gives you messages in a way that you can understand and easily interpret.

* Ask your higher self/guides/angels/whomever for help in REMEMBERING the dream. We actually may dream of our babies a lot more than we think, it’s just that we forget after we awaken. Intending to remember your dream is a very important step in retaining the information that is given to us. Often-times all you have to say is “I will remember all my dreams upon awakening” and that will do the trick.

* Write down the dream when you wake up and then TRUST YOUR FIRST INSTINCTS when deciding what it means. Second-guessing or doubting ourselves clouds our intuition. The more we can believe ourselves, the stronger the communication with our babies becomes.

It’s important to note that the dream messages and signs from our babies always come from a place of absolute love, comfort and peacefulness. If you find that you’re interpreting things in a fearful way, or in a way that promotes guilt, shame, regret and the like, those feelings are coming from YOU to be resolved. More than anything our babies want us to have joyful and peaceful lives full of contentment ~ this is the way of the New Earth and the New Children. We may have work to do to evolve spiritually enough to handle the vibration of these amazing souls coming in, but our babies are here to help us if we want them to. And they’ll be joyfully loving you all along the way.

So, give it a try, Sister, and see what comes up for you and your Spirit Baby during this powerful energetic gateway. And please note that if you are reading this post later than November of 2015 you haven’t missed anything. Any time this post is read an invitation is extended from your Spirit Baby.

For more techniques on contacting your Spirit Baby through dream-time and beyond, purchase the “How To Have Kick-Ass Prebirth Communication” found at the top of this page.

Much LOVE and Sweet Dreams~

♥ Kate

Spirit Baby Wisdom on Self-Love

Dear Sisters, The most important theme I get time and time again when communicating with the Spirit Baby Realm is the message of SELF LOVE. Every single Spirit Baby wants their Mamas to learn to LOVE themselves more. It is only when we can love ourselves unconditionally that we can truly love another unconditionally ~ and this is why it’s such an important topic for the Spirit Babies. Our Spirit Babies REQUIRE unconditional love so they can fully live their true purpose. Indeed the New Earth is being built with unconditional love…and it HAS to begin with the self first.

When we TRULY unconditionally love ourselves:

* We won’t settle for relationships that are anything less than extraordinary.

* We will know that we are always provided for and we always have exactly what we need when we need it.

* We won’t judge others for their choices or decisions…and we won’t judge ourselves either.

* We will no longer feel guilt or regret or worry that we are “doing it wrong.”

* We will FINALLY be able to create the life we TRULY desire.

And of course there are many, many more benefits and freedoms that come with self-love.

It is because of this pervasive theme that I’m releasing the newest reading, “Spirit Baby Wisdom on Self-Love.” There seems to be an urgency that we wake up to self-love, so that we can truly become the MAGNIFICENT BEINGS we came here to be, and so we can support these newest MAGNIFICENT beings coming in…our Spirit Babies.

With LOVE,

♥ Kate


Find the Self-Love videos in the Awakening Series.