May 18 2018
Another DIVINE Choice Point
I’m pulling cards for commenters on today’s blog post to aid in our Choice Point (from 5/18-5/20/2018)
Blog post on my sister site, “Miracles Are Messy.” (Cards are being pulled there as well!)
May 18, 2018 @ 12:45:24
Wow, something just completely clicked while I was listening. Talking about the baby as a wayshower for the divine…I felt so much energy and upliftment from that. I still have goosebumps now! Thank you! xoxo
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 14:16:03
LOVE the Divine Goosebumps, Sister! They affirm TRUTH! Your spirit baby card (from the Messages from the Fairies deck) showers a little girl fairy balancing on a tight-rope and the messages is: “You’ve Got the Power!” additional messages that come with it is that you are now channeling the power of God (yes, it says that!) and that you are becoming a conduit of LOVE, the most powerful healing energy. Amen, Sister!
May 18, 2018 @ 14:31:17
Oh my gosh, so beautiful! I love this. Thank you Kate.
May 18, 2018 @ 12:48:22
Still can’t hear a peep from my baby. Too angry, too stuck in grief, too isolated.
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 14:17:40
Sister, Your message is “Emotional Healing: As your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love.” Praying fervently that your anger is lifted so you can see the LIGHT you truly are.
May 18, 2018 @ 14:22:10
Thank you, Kate
May 18, 2018 @ 13:22:53
I know I just commenting on a reply about my spiritual baby but can you perhaps tell me when this may happen? Please. If u can.
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 14:20:14
I never give timelines unless instructed by the cards (the Divine) and out of 44 cards, the “Winter” card fell out for you. Do what you can to give yourself a break from trying to make/force this to happen, Sister. Use the rest of this year to make yourself happy in any way you can ~ forge new paths, patterns, discover new/old joys. Put yourself in a TTC Fast until this winter..and then ANYTHING can happen…
May 18, 2018 @ 13:45:16
Things have been messy for me since May 2017! I feel a breakthrough is in store, but every now and then, my ego jumps in trying to make things happen quicker. Thank you for encouraging us with this video.
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 14:21:58
Oh, Sister, you’re so on point ~ it is the ego that tries to force timing. I affirm your breakthrough with you. Your card speaks to your current practice: “Let Go: As you surrender the need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires.”
Jun 11, 2018 @ 16:08:37
Talk about DIVINE TIMING! I JUST saw the card you pulled for me … it was confirmation for about a situation! Thank you.
Kate Street
Jun 11, 2018 @ 17:55:22
SO glad to hear it, Sister!
May 18, 2018 @ 14:00:31
I went to have my cards read the other day, hoping to hear something about how I can help my two anxious, depressed teens who are refusing to go to school…I’m really not sure how to help them xoxoxo
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 15:19:02
Sister, That is so tough, I’m sorry you’re having to see your children go through this. School can be a very challenging place for these sensitive, high-frequency children, which is why so many are homeschooling now ~ the kids just DON’T want to go. If your kids are teens, they could even do their own directed learning with homeschooling, you wouldn’t have to facilitate. If this is something you’ve been thinking about or they’ve been asking about, perhaps this is validation that it’s a good choice for all of you. The card I pulled for you is an affirmation card: I put this situation in the hands of Infinite Love and Wisdom. If this situation is the Divine Plan, I bless it and no longer resist; but if it is not divinely planned, I give thanks that it is now dissolved and dissipated.”
Holding ALL of you in the highest LIGHT.
May 29, 2018 @ 14:31:47
Hi Kate! I just realized I didn’t reply and I mean to tell you how very grateful I am for your response: thoughtful, loving, so helpful and so wise!! I wish you many blessings and much love
May 18, 2018 @ 16:03:21
Wow, I’m glad I clicked on this video♥…I’ve always felt like I was meant to be a Mother…My spirit baby not only connects with me, but she connects with my Mother, also…Thanks for this video 🙂
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 16:16:13
Love that your spirit baby connects with you and your mother, Sister! What a strong, vocal, magical soul! I pulled the “Marriage” card for you: “The spirit babies join you in celebrating wedded bliss.” This card usually indicates that the relationship you’re in is in the process of receiving upgrades. It can be uncomfortable, but just know old patterns are coming up to be released and reworked. A new level of intimacy and connection are here for you and your partner, Sister. So much LOVE.
May 18, 2018 @ 16:56:19
Thank you Kate…
May 18, 2018 @ 16:06:57
Haven’t seen any signs in a while but hoping this may be the month!
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 16:18:38
Ashley, I pulled the “Express Your Individuality” card for you: “Allow your true self to shine because you’re awesome.” We all knew that. 😉 Also, you have been getting so many signs in recent months ~ perhaps write them all down and keep track of them. I feel they’re all connected and will help tell the whole story that you’re in the midst of. And don’t worry about any seeming disconnection from signs ~ the last two weeks have been like that. You’ll start seeing your signs again imminently!
May 18, 2018 @ 16:16:15
Hey Kate! Thanks for the video, they’re always so timely! I’d love for you to pull a card for me. Thank you and sending love!
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 16:20:45
Hey Katie! Your card is “Ask For What You Want: Let the Universe and other people know what you need.” Also, perhaps ask if any action needs to be taken on your part and if so, that it is VERY clear and unmistakeable. So much LOVE!
May 18, 2018 @ 16:28:27
Ok thank you!! Ahhh I’ve been surrendering and trying not to ask for anything lol. I’ve been rolling with everything and refraining from putting too much energy into what I “want.” I will take your advice and be clear about what I need. But that’s tricky because I’m trying to live in the now and not think that I “need” anything. I’ll ask for CLEAR signs from my divine mother. Thank you – you’re the best and I appreciate you taking the time to do this for us!
May 18, 2018 @ 17:49:55
This is a very sweet video. Thank you! To be honest I feel peaceful this month, even a bit stuck and bored — having no idea what to do on my way to my divine child. And where is his/her father? Do I know him? 😉
Kate Street
May 18, 2018 @ 18:01:35
Well, Sister, I pulled the marriage card for you too ~ so chances are you’ll figure out who that babies father is pretty damn soon!
May 18, 2018 @ 18:18:22
Opportunities abound & lots of love surrounding this post. Thank you Kate!! Well, we’ve been gifted embryos and we’re SO grateful for the chance to receive them but getting them is proving to be quite tricky and an energy draining process…don’t know if we are still on the right path with surrendering or if we should just take the ‘easier’ route of going to an IVF clinic with a double donor program and create our own luck. Any help would be appreciated…Love you Kate!
Kate Street
May 19, 2018 @ 11:44:00
Okay, Sister, I pulled the “Do Some Research” card for you: “You need more information about this situation. Look into it further before proceeding.” I normally don’t like this card as it seems to imply more “work” and that there is confusion, but the energy I’m getting from this card and your situation is that you can’t make a wrong decision or take a wrong path. Your baby will find you and the Divine can enter into ANY of these situations, so invite her in fully. Here’s a powerful affirmation for you, “Divine Mother, Show me fully the highest path to take to meet my baby. Make it clear and unmistakeable.” It’s in HER court now and you’ll get a sign, dream, validation in some way and it will be EMPOWERING.
So much LOVE to you!
Lori Larson
May 18, 2018 @ 19:24:11
Oh sister, I would love a card from you today. It’s been a heavy weeks with grief triggers. As usual, your videos are divinely timed. xoxo
Kate Street
May 19, 2018 @ 11:47:05
Sister, the “marriage” card fell out for you, indicating more upgrades and higher-level connections are here/occurring in your relationship. Be gentle with both of you as you go through this. The “Get Some Exercise” card also wants to be yours and I get the insight that it’s to help this last bout of grief move through you. It could be just one sweaty session you need to purge the grief from your physical body and this will help you move on to the next octave that is ready and waiting for you. SO much LOVE!
May 22, 2018 @ 14:22:03
Holy smokes, Kate, that darn marriage card! It is so, so relevant to our energies this weekend. I can feel our connection strengthening in the heartache. Trying so hard to be gentle each other. Goodness knows I could use a good sweat! Might have to take the dog out after work today. So much love to YOU!!!! XOXOXO
May 19, 2018 @ 01:09:24
Today is my 40th birthday and about three hours before watching this video I wrote an email to a group of women who I am journeying with on a Shamanic Midwife course about the experience I have been having leading up to my 40th birthday.
I wanted to share the words I finished the email with simply because they could not be more in alignment with your video even if I tried, when I wrote the email I did not know your video existed and the synchronicity quite frankly blows my mind.
The words I wrote were …….
I always knew even as a young girl that my 40th birthday was a very significant turning point in my life, of course I didn’t know why when I was a small girl however now as I approach my birthday it has become crystal clear that my 40th birthday is the date my soul chose (before incarnation ) to be the time I fully step into my power, claim my gifts and share them with the planet. Everything I have done up until this point has prepared me for the next journey of being a leader who spreads light to the planet. And to even write these words – BEING A LEADER WHO SPREADS LIGHT TO THE PLANET – for all of you to read is not something I would of written as little as one week ago.
Thanks Kate for all the work you do and the light you spread to the planet.
I resonate so deeply with our spirit baby being a catalyst to awakening, If I had conceived a baby when I first wanted to 7 years ago I would not be the woman I am today. I can see so clearly that all this was divinely orchestrated to bring forth the best version of myself and the best mama too.
Belle !!
Kate Street
May 19, 2018 @ 11:50:36
Oh my goodness, Sister, I got SO MANY chills reading through this! So many! Yes, so much POWER and TRUTH in this! You are standing fully and firmly in your Divine Placement and I can’t WAIT to see what comes out of you next, Belle! Your card is straightforward: “Affirmations: Use your positive affirmations to keep your thoughts and energy lifted so that what is yours manifests before you.” In other words, keep doing what you are doing. It’s TIME and you’ve got the power! Keep on rockin’ it!
May 19, 2018 @ 01:34:05
I’m definitely being challenged today and this month. This morning I was talking with God and said I’m complete as I am and perhaps I don’t want a baby anymore if that’s my destiny,perhaps I never did want a baby. It didn’t feel right saying any of that! I heard my spirit babies whispering in my ear,”Mama we’re here and we’re making our way to you.” I’m feeling a little disconnected from my spirit babies,I’m not having those prophetic vivid dreams I once and it’s been bothering me. XO
Kate Street
May 19, 2018 @ 11:53:05
Sister, that disconnection is prevalent right now but we’re about to come back on line in a BIG way.
Saying what you did, even though it didn’t feel like your soul’s truth, was a great demonstration of your DETACHMENT to the process of all this. And that is so needed for the next step. I love that your babies chimed in and the card I pulled for affirms their message: “Pregnancy: The birth of a child brings great blessings to you and the world.” Amen, Sister!
May 21, 2018 @ 21:09:27
Thank you for confirming that I’m not making this fantasy up in my mind. Yes and Amen,I’m ready for this!
May 19, 2018 @ 13:19:12
Kate! You are so beautiful! I am so ready for new and peaceful energy of source! It’s so important to remember that we have a choice. The dark can take over and make me feel like I am not getting what I want and focus on ego, but if it weren’t for this baby, I would never have grown so much. With practice I transcend my ego and fears and use the power of choice to love myself more. Thank you for your work. <3
Kate Street
May 20, 2018 @ 13:21:13
You’re in such a good place. Your card, Dearest Sister: “Your Wish is Granted! What you’ve asked for is coming true.” Speaks the TRUTH loud and clear, Sister!
May 20, 2018 @ 04:55:47
Wow, Wow, wow. Looking forward to meeting my next little one. I hope it’s soon!
Kate Street
May 20, 2018 @ 13:22:50
The card I pulled for you is “Son,” Dearest Sister. Seems like a little boy spirit baby is capturing your attention. It’s inevitable you will meet, Sister.
May 20, 2018 @ 21:41:45
Thank you beautiful lady for all that you share. You are a shining light. xx
May 20, 2018 @ 22:37:56
Hi Kate–I found your website while in the throes of a miscarriage last August. I’m still waiting for my spirit baby to come back, but like another reader mentioned above, I’ve been feeling disconnected from him/her lately. I’m starting to wonder if baby is coming back. Also, I’m turning 42 in July. I know my age doesn’t rule it out per se, but my husband is nervous about implications of my age on pregnancy, and I’m worried he will want to stop trying any month now… Any wisdom or encouragement would be much appreciated!!
Kate Street
May 21, 2018 @ 14:34:27
Dear Sister, Your card is very affirming: “Your Desire is Within Reach: Have faith, as everything is working in your favor.” FAITH being the key word here. Don’t let your husband’s fears worry you as well. The higher vibrational reality will always win out.
For more encouragement, look into these resources if you haven’t already:
“Age and Pregnancy” video found here:
My book:
And the Divine Mother Activation (this one is a doozy for getting you in a higher reality!):
So much LOVE!