Mar 27 2019
“Do I still WANT a Baby?” When the yearning wanes…
The LAST Thing I’ll Ever Say About TTC
Final Clearing Ceremony can be accessed HERE.
Mar 27 2019
The LAST Thing I’ll Ever Say About TTC
Final Clearing Ceremony can be accessed HERE.
By Kate Street • trying to conceive • 8
Mar 27, 2019 @ 14:40:27
This was fantastic! I’ve gone through a lot having my 3 boys and I thought after the last was born in December I’d feel complete. However, I still feel incomplete and I understand why now. I want a 4th which is insane but I am not sure why. I guess I’m still working out karma. I thought the karma would’ve been taken care of by now lol!! Thank you again Kate! Love the videos.
Mar 27, 2019 @ 16:23:23
This hit SO close to home! I have been feeling the same way and have said F*** it all. If my baby girl wants to come in great and if not great! My 2 boys are my world and I should/need to be living in the now. If my baby girl wants to come in, she is more than welcomed to but at least for me, I feel at peace. THANK YOU KATE FOR THIS VIDEO!!
Mar 28, 2019 @ 02:04:54
Thank you Kate for sharing this truly important message. It resonates with me 100%. I re-wrote the contract for spirit baby and I over a year ago. In my heart I knew that if he came through he’d have a lot of needs and I’m not capable of raising a sick child. I knew a healthy, beautiful child is meant for us. I’ve been working so hard with my higher self to clear all the karma, not just from 8 years of ttc but wayyy back. I was in such a state of neutrality and openness that when we received our gifted embryos, I decided with my husband, that we’d transfer one and if successful, go for a sibling but if the first didn’t work we’d return the other back to the donors and give someone else a chance at this. Even though that’s what we decided, and I truly feel at peace with ending this loop – I want to be free of ttc once and for all. It’s still a process of grief, of love, and dare I say it? Attachment… It’s been 2 weeks since the embryo transfer and all my tests are negative. Energetically, baby is here and I’m so grateful but physically the answer is no over and over. If I don’t do anything, I get nothing. This year of 3, of the positive mind, is all about action so I’m calling on this new baby soul and saying this is your chance to come through, you are a welcome blessing. It’s nothing I can control, but I have nothing to lose at this point. I am looking forward to new opportunities and finally being free of the suffering that comes from waiting. Thank you Kate ❤️
Mar 28, 2019 @ 12:57:15
PS – I just need to vent for a sec on the subject of spirit babies and energy work… and this in no way is a reflection of your work Kate, but I am just so angry right now at the lack of compassion and closed mindedness that some people in this community have displayed towards me. Just got off the phone with my medical intuitive, someone I have been working with remotely to tell them I would like some support for the current situation. She said “your fetus is dead… let’s focus on the why and explore ways you can get pregnant again”, “maybe you have a build up of BPA in your system or other physical limitation?” I have been toxin, BPA-free, make-up free, all natural products, 100% organic, gluten free, dairy free, alcohol and caffeine free for the last 6 years of my journey. I spent $$$ with specialists to uncover an over-active immune condition, which we TREATED, and monitored before the embryo transfer. No effort was spared in finding the perfect balance between being physically ready, spiritually ready, and mentally strong for the transfer. It was our last shot. I don’t want to ‘try again’. That would be insane. I am just in a raw state where I am still processing a loss, and nurturing a new sense of trust in my life, hoping for any kind of miracle, not just of the baby kind.
Mar 28, 2019 @ 13:20:11
Sylvia, have you been tested for mthfr? It is a genetic mutation that can cause an array of pregnancy issues including miscarriage and trouble getting pregnant. It’s a simple blood test or you can get it done through 23 and me.
Mar 28, 2019 @ 13:27:17
Yes @ Maryjo. I have been tested for mthfr, and don’t have it, but take methylated folate anyways because it’s more bio available than folic acid. I’ve had extensive testing, results: antibodies for anticardiolipin and positive for gene mutation PAI-1 – both of these are blood clotting factors. I’ve been on baby aspirin and Lovenox injections to prevent clots, and have been monitored for good blood flow, all perfect. I walk 5 miles daily, do yoga and meditation. I also have high NK (natural killer activity) and high Cytokines (causes inflammation and can interfere with pregnancy) They put me on immune suppressant drugs for it, and I had several IVIG infusions. IVIG protects the baby from my body attacking it. Getting the IVIG was a miracle, we couldn’t afford it out of pocket but women in my community reached out and donated it to us. We did literally everything we could. My hormone levels tested on track, my lining was 8mm (perfect) before transfer. I did acupuncture before and after… no rock left unturned. Our baby deserved the best chance and that’s what we gave her.
Mar 28, 2019 @ 13:57:18
It’s not fair. You’re doing everything perfectly. It’s so hard to see other women get pregnant so easily. I hope and pray this works out for you and you get your baby. One way or another I’m sure you will. I know it is all encompassing in your life and it affects everything. You deserve a baby. I will keep you in my prayers.
May 15, 2019 @ 16:06:58
Hi! Hope all is well my concern is I still have a desire to have a baby and i know hes coming but do babies already know who is their fathers will be because im single right now and definitely would like for there two be two parents in his life