Jul 2 2018
BLESSINGS for those who are Pregnant and about to become Pregnant!
Your affirmation: “My baby and I are Divinely protected and Divinely provided for.”
Jul 2 2018
Your affirmation: “My baby and I are Divinely protected and Divinely provided for.”
By Kate Street • higher dimensional parenting, pregnancy, spiritual journey, trying to conceive • 14
Jul 02, 2018 @ 15:00:46
Wow!!! This video was such a HUGE Blessing! I am still soaking it in so I know I will be rewatching it soon! Ironically, I’d just finished an abundant meditation where I also had some interactions with my son (spirit baby)…Then something told me to check your site and behold you had this powerful message waiting for me! Thank you so much! This video was very freeing and I feel I’ve had these worries subconsciously. Thanks so much again!! Oh..and I also took away many helpful affirmations from this video! I will rewatch so that I can receive them again.
Kate Street
Jul 02, 2018 @ 15:03:47
SO happy to hear this, Sister! I LOVED the messages coming through the Divine for this video ~ so powerful for all of us! So much LOVE to you!
Jul 03, 2018 @ 10:25:09
Great video
Kate Street
Jul 03, 2018 @ 11:02:46
MANY, MANY Divine Blessings are surrounding you, Sister!
Jul 03, 2018 @ 11:02:34
Amen Amen thank you for this encouraging video Sister.
Kate Street
Jul 03, 2018 @ 11:03:13
Amen, is right, Sister! WE are the ones changing things! So much LOVE!
Jul 03, 2018 @ 20:02:11
I so needed this! Thank you for the blessings and comforting words. I’ve been worrying about the health and safety of this pregnancy and waiting until the “magical 12 week mark” to even talk about it but I want to enjoy every moment. Thank you Kate! Love and light to all 🙂
Kate Street
Jul 04, 2018 @ 14:23:54
You were in my mind, Sister! And I know the Divine Mama has a lot more to say about that Divine 1st trimester, so stay tuned! LOVE YOU!!
Jul 04, 2018 @ 17:43:43
Thanks for the video Kate, your awesome, timed perfectly as always. It was much needed at this time. My baby told me in a dream that he would be conceived with a NCIVF – Natural Cycle IVF and not to feel bad, I have done nothing wrong, this is just the path his soul has chosen to be conceived. This soul and only this soul, the others will come naturally. I had never heard of NCIVF, not even when my husband and I went down the IVF route two years ago and I told the doctor that for me personally since I am very sensitive to medications, processed food or anything basically that is not the way nature intended it – IVF was not an option for us because simply put I was not willing to put my body through the drugs. ( for any ladies reading this there is no judgement on others who choose / chose this option, it was for me a personal choice based on how well I know my body) Even then the doctors never told me that there was a different option. I know in the bigger picture I never heard about NCIVF because I was not supposed to know until now. Upon having this dream I researched NCIFV and for those of you who don’t know what it is – its an IVF cycle without the drugs. Your own body has to produce the egg, the egg is tracked via ultra sound and when it is ripe and juicy it is collected, just that single egg – fertilised out of the body and then placed into your womb – just like a standard IVF cycle. Upon researching I found that this method although quite common in the States and Europe is practically un heard of in Australia. In fact it took me several days to find a clinic within a two hour driving distance that would even consider it as an option. I was told over and over again your age ( 40 ) is too old, the success rates are practically non existent with very limited data, there are so many variables its a waste of time and resources, you would be better off with standard IVF, your eggs are probably poor quality blah blah fu###ing blah. The cold, blunt rudeness was both infuriating and amusing at the same time. One lady even said to me if you really feel you have to do this even though the chances are SOOOO LOW, so that you can finally close the door on that chapter of your life then you have to do what you have to do. Who do these people think they are, where do they get off telling you this kind of information. I get it, not everyone is where we are, not every one is talking to their spirit baby, not everyone even knows what a spirit baby is. I know my body, I know my baby and I trust the divine. I am going where I am divinely guided. I know that I will be pregnant soon. I just know it !! thanks for listening – RANT OVER !! many blessings to all pregnant and soon to be pregnant mamas !!
Kate Street
Jul 05, 2018 @ 13:27:07
Belle! This is all so Divinely Inspired and it is CLEAR you are being Divinely Guided!
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all this, as I know many others will find it helpful. I had never heard of NCIFV either.
Keep shining your LIGHT in the midst of all the fear/lack comments/consciousness. You, with the Divine on your side, SO got this and I can’t WAIT to see you prove that woman wrong. I will say extra blessings for you!
So much LOVE!!
Brunhilda Tumnde
Jul 08, 2018 @ 12:43:47
What an inspiration. I am 40 too. Been through this road. These doctors know nothing about spirit babies. Just reading your story makes believe Divine Mama and your spirit baby are at close work with you and your pregnancy is around the corner
Jul 25, 2018 @ 01:31:05
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! Western Medicine is so clueless when it comes to spirit babies and the magical world of the Divine. As an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility, I have all my patients crumple up and throw away their test papers stating their devastating odds of conceiving. With the Divine, anything is possible and you are very much in touch with and working closely with the Divine. The guidance you are receiving is amazing! I had a patient who choose NCIVF a few years ago. It’s not very well known here in the States either, most doctors push the traditional IVF so she had to go to NYC to have the procedure and she now has a beautiful daughter:) Sending love and light your way. I know you’ll be pregnant soon!
Jul 17, 2018 @ 14:22:34
Hi Kate! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is exactly what I needed to hear! I started following you earlier this year, after two heartbroken losses, and now I’m 26 weeks. We never announced our pregnancy because we were scared, “bad juju”, and fear. You name it we most likely felt it. I’ve been really struggling with this pregnancy where I don’t want to get too happy either. I’ve been placed on modified bedrest with a cerclage and it’s been a scary and overwhelming process. I have my moments where I freak out and start to worry but then I have to remember but I’m beyond blessed and extremely grateful everyday for this pregnancy.
I recently started freaking out again because I failed my 1hour glucose test and have to take the 3hour test. I started to beat myself up feeling all the things I felt of feeling like a failure and so on and on… Since then, I’ve been really praying on it and came across your blog again. Your post really put me at peace again. I can’t thank you enough. Blessings to everyone and those on the same journey.
Kate Street
Jul 25, 2018 @ 13:15:44
You found PEACE when you most needed it, Sister! You ARE Divinely guided, led, and protected! And you WILL BE Divinely Provided for too! SO much LOVE!!!