Jun 15 2018
From TTC to PFP (Preparing for Pregnancy)
Need some life-changing help? Invest in YOURSELF and find your way HOME (and to your spirit baby) with the Divine Mother Activation.
My website devoted to the Divine: KateStreet.Love
Jun 15 2018
Need some life-changing help? Invest in YOURSELF and find your way HOME (and to your spirit baby) with the Divine Mother Activation.
My website devoted to the Divine: KateStreet.Love
By Kate Street • surrender, trying to conceive • 5
Jun 18, 2018 @ 19:49:31
Thank you! You gave me so much encouragement and reassurance and I was just thinking about how some things aren’t aligned tangibly and were afraid it delayed my spirit baby. Watching this video reminded me of how it doesn’t matter where we are. I had my first child eleven years ago unexpected, and what some would consider bad timing. I lost my son in a miscarriage Oct 2016 and have been waiting for his return. I had surrendered but I still get doubts sometimes. I have some more surrendering to do to the Divine. Thank you Kate!
Kate Street
Jun 19, 2018 @ 13:57:23
You’re so welcome, Sister. So glad it resonated with you. You so got this! So much LOVE. I pulled a card for you to help bolster and it’s: “You’ve Got the Power! Use your abilities to resolve this situation. You can do it!” And I’ll just expand on that, and say that when you fully surrender to the Divine, SHE can do effortlessly what we can’t not make happen on our own. You’re provided for in EVERY way and you WILL meet your son again. So much LOVE to you!
Jun 23, 2018 @ 12:52:26
Thank you!!!
Jun 22, 2018 @ 01:28:20
Hi Kate! I am so so so grateful that I was led to your site and for each of these videos. I read your book last weekend and it has truly shifted my life in so many ways. I lost a baby girl almost ten years age due to a pregnancy complication and have been encountering huge blocks since then in getting pregnant. But now everything’s starting to make sense. I trust my journey now. And will wait for the signs! Love and gratitude to you.
Kate Street
Jun 22, 2018 @ 14:02:30
OH! So good to hear from you, Sister. It’s WONDERFUL to hear of your shift. Your baby sent you to this info because she is planning her return! So much LOVE to you!