Sep 7 2018
The Biggest Limitation about Getting Pregnant that Women Need to Stop Believing
What used to be true about the biological clock is simply NOT true anymore. It’s time to let go of that limitation once and for all.
If you feel you’re too old to have a baby, get the best-selling double video bundle Age and Pregnancy RIGHT NOW and never believe that limiting CRAP again!
Chantel Chavez
Sep 07, 2018 @ 16:01:18
Oh Kate I just love how you are so on point with me. It actually gives me chills. Everything you post I need a reminder of. Of course I ordered your Age video years ago and while most of the time I’m doing well, I do get triggered here and there. My latest trigger is all the back to school photos being posted on my FB feed. All of my peers have high school kids or university kids. For a moment I felt ridiculous. I thought oh yah all my peers are going to be empty nesters soon and I’ll be posting photos of my baby ; I’ll feel so left out and ridiculous was the word. It was just really apparent I won’t have other moms and social activities may be awkward. So I felt kind of like maybe it’s too late…that was last week and I see this today ; thanks Kate for my reminder.
Kate Street
Sep 07, 2018 @ 16:05:08
Oh yes, Dear Sister, we are going where NO ONE has ever gone before! So glad this found you in perfect timing. So much LOVE to you!
Sep 08, 2018 @ 08:17:04
Dear dear Kate,
This rings so true for me as with all videos of yours. I have always felt that I am meant to be a mom when I am much older and when I truly feel ready for it. But my mental conditioning interfered saying it was crazy to feel so and that it HAS to happen before a certain age. Ten years since I lost one child due to a pregnancy complication and no baby yet. I am now in my thirties. However, every year, I feel like I am growing younger rather than older. I wonder if all this is part of the new biology 🙂 Thank you so much for this priceless sharing!