The Divine Mother Activation

I’ve been talking about the Divine Mother Activation for weeks and it’s finally ready. For many of my Sisters THIS is what we’ve been waiting for ~ or more accurately, THIS is the door we’ve been seeking the whole time. Not only the door to our spirit babies but the door to our HIGHEST selves and Heaven (I don’t say this lightly).

View the video below for more information and come join me in exploring the TRUE taste of freedom that we’ve been yearning for our whole lives…

Divine Mother Activation and 30 Day Surrender Program: $44

This program is part of the Mystery School Teachings and includes:  A one-hour video called Prepping for your Divine Transformation, a 20 minute activation/meditation (to be done daily or semi-daily) and 30 days of emails (some include short videos).

Dear Sister, this is TRULY what it’s all about.

Note: Participation in the Divine Mother Activation is CURRENTLY CLOSED as the first wave of Sisters complete their 30 days. The next session will be available sometime in March (check back for dates). If you want to be a part of the next wave, email me at to reserve your spot. In preparation for the Divine Mother Activation the following resources are recommended:

* “What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know,” book

* The TTC package and/or a personal reading with me.

* Self-Love Part 1 and Part 2 videos

You can also invite the Divine Mother in and say you are preparing for this activation and ask her to show you what you need. She will always respond. Much LOVE to you!