Aug 3 2018
Visual Activations from Your Spirit Baby AND the Divine
Dear Sisters,
We are in a powerful energetic gateway right in the midst of eclipse season. Triggers WILL be on the rise (and I talked in depth about how to handle them in my last Hot Mess Sunday Sermon). It’s up to us not to BELIEVE what they’re telling us, not to FLINCH. It’s time to stand TALL in our TRUTH, no matter what is presenting itself in so-called “reality.”
To help with this, the spirit babies are asking me to share a board I made on pinterest awhile ago ~ it was spontaneous and inspired, the spirit babies showing me the most “activating” of images that would help spark the remembering of TRUTH. THEIR truth AND yours. This is the SPIRIT BABY REALM.
Create a sacred space in quiet moment to take in all the visual cues they want you to savor. It will be chill-inducing.
Furthermore, the Divine Mother is also asking me to share another spontaneously created pinterest board I made in a fit of Divine Inspiration, called TRANSFORMATION and ACTIVATION. More than just a collection of pretty pictures, the fractals and sacred geometry speak to us on a higher level. I’m being told viewing the pictures will help aid our DNA in it’s current upgrade.
Stand TALL, Sisters, no matter WHAT you’re going through. It’s a time of inner stillness and retreat so we can hear the the TRUTH that is now making itself known in the physical.
SO much LOVE,
Recommended resources for life-changing, paradigm-shifting FULL transformation:
Chantel Chavez
Aug 03, 2018 @ 11:40:40
Omg I loooooove those pins! Absolutely stunning. Kinda makes me sad though I haven’t experienced that love/connection in the physical. I will be strong though and not get into those feelings. I’ll get to one day….thanks for sharing. So beautiful.
Kate Street
Aug 03, 2018 @ 11:54:14
Sister, I LOVE you. Let me give you a PRAISE affirmation for that trigger, ” Divine Mother, THANK YOU for this final RELEASE! I am NOT separated from YOU and I am NOT separated from my Spirit Baby. Amen!” USE it. You ARE pure and BEAUTIFUL!
Aug 03, 2018 @ 15:17:55
Absolutely glorious Kate!! There are a few that gave me the chills— I know that my spirit baby led me to them! I’ve been experiencing countless synchronicities and this board (spirit baby realm) is yet another confirmation. I am in constant awe of how strongly this resonates with me! Blessings and love to all
Aug 03, 2018 @ 18:20:24
Love love all of them beautiful. I’m ridiculously(bubbly contentment keeps building up like a child of what’s next as there’s much conspiring for our behalves)excited for ALL of us. Feeling like a kid during Xmas. Sending ❤️ to everyone.
Aug 04, 2018 @ 01:01:14
Your posts are always exactly what I need and always come at the most perfect time! These pictures are visually stunning and ignite my spirit with truth. I’ve recently felt some bumpiness in life, seemingly out of nowhere, and in the past, I’d let that get me down or it would feel like a major road block or yet another set back or delay. This time however, I felt strongly there was nothing to worry about and this post completely confirmed for me that all is well and nothing can stop the inevitable. I love the excited anticipation I feel within myself and here with you all. So much love to you Kate and all the ladies here!
Aug 10, 2018 @ 16:54:36
Chills! Thank you for sharing! xoxo