Sep 12 2013
Universal Spirit Baby Wisdom: Celebrating the CRAP
Yesterday I had some unexpected time alone, so I asked the Spirit Baby Realm if they had any messages for us. The following video shares their wisdom about celebrating life in ALL it’s ups and downs…even and especially when we’re handed a big ol’ pile of crap!
For more rockin’ Universal Spirit Baby Messages click HERE.
Sep 12, 2013 @ 17:32:13
We have been through a lot of these same emotions when we found out that our daughter has cystic fibrosis, a terminal illness. When we feel down, we cry and mourn. When we feel more empowered, we try to share that empowerment with others experiencing the same thing. It’s about letting yourself be in the NOW, rather than the idea that you *must* feel happy all the time.. Embracing the crap really helps me let it go and move forward in a better space. Thank you, Kate, for this reminder!
Kate Street
Sep 12, 2013 @ 17:46:52
Oh, LOVE you, Dear Magical Sister! And I soooo need this reminder all the time! Lots of love to you and that little goddess of yours. ♥
Sep 12, 2013 @ 17:52:34
THANK YOU Kate & spirit baby realm. Oh my goodness, yes, I feel like in the midst of such bliss and agonizing discomfort in my emotions, I AM ALIVE. And I am real. And experiencing fully. And SO grateful.
Kate Street
Sep 12, 2013 @ 18:18:32
I absolutely LOVE this comment ~ everything about it!
Sep 12, 2013 @ 18:50:55
Thank you dear sister and spirit babies. We are alive in Planet Earth, we came here to feel all that. Aknowledging the crap!!!! I dance and sing my crap away!!!Is a celebration!!!
Kate Street
Sep 12, 2013 @ 20:25:27
You Do dance and sing it away and it’s so beautiful! Love you, Dear Sister! ♥
Sep 12, 2013 @ 19:11:40
Just what I needed to hear. A reminder that it is truly amazing to be alive and incarnate with the whole of experience it brings.
Kate Street
Sep 12, 2013 @ 20:25:54
It’s just what I needed to hear too!
Natalia Erehnah
Sep 12, 2013 @ 19:17:18
I really feel that the shift is continuing on the planet and that we are feeling it. That is why, even though I am tired, have a sore throat, and lack motivation, I am not depressed or worried. Oddly, I feel more confident than ever that Our time is coming. So, may the compost feed the new life. Can’t say I’m celebrating the downs, but I am accepting them and rolling with what is.
Kate Street
Sep 12, 2013 @ 20:26:37
I could have written many of your words myself, Dear Sister!
Bernadette Zayas Lorenzo
Sep 13, 2013 @ 11:34:21
Please write the books now. Love you, Kate!
Kate Street
Sep 13, 2013 @ 12:28:28
Oh Bernadette, you are such a LOVELY cheerleader! ♥
Mary Jo
Sep 13, 2013 @ 13:51:48
I love this message because I just went through a whole mess of crap with my last pregnancy which ended sadly. As I was processing what had happened, I realized that this pregnancy and my first (which was very healthy and normal) both taught me sooo much. Letting go of being in control, which we clearly are not with our pregnancies and babies, and not to expect that I will always get what I want. I have been so deeply humbled by my experiences and what I’ve learned from my babies, that I will go into the next pregnancy a very different and probably better person.
Kate Street
Sep 13, 2013 @ 21:26:16
Oh my, it IS so deeply humbling, isn’t it, Sister? I was one who was always try to control or even “earn” and my experiences taught me that this isn’t what it’s about at all. Thinking of you and sending you SO MUCH LOVE! I’m honored to be a witness of your raw, emotional, and beautiful journey. I can’t wait to see where it takes you next. ♥
Sep 18, 2013 @ 14:57:55
My business coach taught me the exact same thing this year. He said he used to fight his down times, and it really held him back and made them last longer. Now, he dives into them as deep as he can, and gets it all over with in a few hours. I’m sure not all our down times will be reduced to a few hours, but it’s a good concept. Like you, I don’t really like the concept, thinking that I ‘should’ be positive all the time, but it’s good to know and understand it.
Kate Street
Sep 18, 2013 @ 17:23:50
It IS good to know, though I literally had a hard time forming those words in my mouth, lol! Thanks for your comment, Dear Sister! ♥