Things Your Future Child Will Not Fall For…

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the Spirit Babies coming in now are coming in fully equipped with a very potent and extremely accurate bull-shit meter.  And, many of us are starting to wake up to the fact that most of what we’ve been taught up until now has been 100% pure-grade bullshit. What do I mean by “bull-shit” specifically? Bull-shit is ANY information containing the following:

* Fear

* Limits

* Rules

* Shoulds

* Should nots

* Can’ts

* Have-to’s

Just to name a few.

ALL babies when they first come Earth-side KNOW their limitless nature. It’s only when well-meaning (and fearful) adults start telling us the ‘way things really are’, that we start to forget. In our forgetting we relinquish our limitlessness. This is the way it’s been for centuries and centuries and generations and generations. Until now. The Spirit Babies coming in NOW will be REMEMBERING more of their limitlessness. Even when fearful adults try to take it away from them, the children will KNOW the adults are wrong, blinded by their own limits. If it seems so many children are “challenging” or “different” these days, it’s because their limitless nature is bumping into (and breaking down!) the false walls of limitations. It will be a much easier ride for all of us if instead of imposing limits on our children, we instead join them and REMEMBER our own limitlessness. Indeed this is one of the most important things the Spirit Babies have to teach us. If you are on this page, reading this, it’s because you are being asked to REMEMBER your True Self. The one that knows that ANYTHING is possible and that there is NOTHING to be afraid of.

And we need to make the choice NOW to do this. The babies are ready and raring to build this New Earth. So this generation of parents (meaning you and me) have quite a learning curve to figure out our limitlessness in a very short amount of time. Luckily, the wisdom from the Spirit Babies can put us on a spiritual fast-track of realizing our own MAGNIFICENCE. And while this all sounds pretty awesome as I write this, giving up our limits can be a bit mind-boggling, to put it mildly. Our minds don’t really understand limitlessness. Our minds try to fit us into patterns and rules. Our minds try to keep us safe and protected at all times. This may have been useful before in the Old Energy. But in this New Energy, there are no rules or patterns. And in this New Energy there’s also nothing that we need to be protected from (can you take a deep breath and think about that one for minute? Imagine living in a world where we don’t have to be concerned for our safety or “protected” from harm?! Amazing!).

SO! If we take into account that there are no rules, there are no limits and there is nothing to be protected from, these are some of the things we’ve all been taught that our own children just ain’t gonna buy:

* If you don’t brush your teeth, you’ll get cavities. (Yes, I’m quite sure dentists will be searching for other employment in the New Earth.)

* Sugar is bad for you. Fat is bad for you. Artificial colors are bad for you. (Insert any food) is bad for you.

* You need to take medicine/go to the doctor/get outside help for your body.

* You need to sit in a chair all day and learn all these effin’ boring subjects to make you a “well-rounded” person. (HA! The Spirit Babies are laughing even as I type this.)

* You need to “work hard” to get into a “good college” to  get a “good job” so you can “make a lot of money.”

* You need to wear certain clothes at certain times of the year or you’ll be too hot/too cold/too something.

* We can’t “afford this”, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “you have to save,” “there’s not enough to go around.”

* Everybody gets old and dies. That’s just a part of life.

I could go on, but I’m pretty sure your mind is boggling even as we speak. Some of things written above are just common sense, right? Yes, common LIMITED sense. Most of the bullet-points above have to do with putting limits on our body or limits on how we spend our time. We can’t say we want to be limitlessness but still accept these limits. Just like you can’t be a “little pregnant” you can’t be a little “limitless.”

Some people reading might think I’m crazy (crazy is the new sane, ya’ll). Some people might be angry. Giving up old beliefs ~ especially strong-held, in-grained beliefs can be anger-inducing. I don’t take it personally.  But I suspect many others reading are intrigued ,as your own REMEMBERING is being triggered. For those of you who want more of my crazy-making-anger-inducing limitless banter, watch these videos where I talk more in-depth about the LIMITLESSNESS of these children coming in and that WE (the parents) are evolving into.

* Families of Light: What They ARE, What they are NOT.

* Eliminate this ONE Thing to have the Perfect Family RIGHT NOW.

* The Spiritual Connection with Your Child and How to Preserve It.


I love you!

~ Kate