The New Earth Children In Action

My Dear Sister, Kimberly Smith, shared this short gem with me this morning and I was SO moved that I HAD to share it here with all of you New Earth Mamas.

This is the awareness that the New Earth Children are coming in with. And BLESS this Dad for believing her and doing his best. A TRUE Family of Light.

Full disclosure: I started crying at minute 1:18.

Enjoy Sisters.

Conceiving in Multidimensional Consciousness

I’m back again, Dear Sisters. Even though I am officially retired from the Spirit Baby Realm, I’ll be coming back here periodically to share with you the latest news with Belle Tozer (the New Spirit Baby Intuitive) and our shared projects.

I’m SO grateful to Belle, for not only picking up the torch where I left off, but also doing an AMAZING job upcycling my past creations with hers. And as I’ve said before, they align perfectly. If you missed our New Earth Mama conversation that I shared in the last post, you can watch it here.

For those of you trying to conceive, I’m so pleased to direct you to a free webinar Belle is hosting later this week, which will share the latest wisdom on how to conceive in multi-dimensional consciousness. It’s a live webinar but for those who are not in the Australian time zone, replays will be available. As I said before, this is a free webinar, but there will also be an opportunity to work with Belle one-on-one afterwards for those who desire the added guidance and validation.

Miracles are abounding, Sisters, from women who are conceiving well into their 50’s, to lost spirit babies coming back as grandchildren, as well as women who “gave up” on their ttc journey to only FINALLY become pregnant. We’re in an accelerated time of growth and expansion right now, where things that were once impossible indeed are not only possible now but inevitable. Below is Belle’s text and link with the information. Please share with anyone you think may benefit.


~ Kate



🌟 Are you ready to embark on a soulful journey towards conscious conception? 🌟 Join me for a transformative LIVE TRAINING that will guide you on the path to a spirit-led conception journey!

In this LIVE webinar, you will discover:

✨ The 5 Steps Of Conceiving In Multidimensional Consciousness – Unlock the secrets of conception beyond the physical realm.

✨ The Body-Mind Alignment Needed For Conscious Conception – Learn how to align your entire being for this sacred journey.

✨ How To Connect Your Heart To Your Womb To Open The Doorway For A Spirit Led Conception – Tap into the profound connection between your heart and womb.

✨ The Simply Profound Way To Communicate With Your Spirit Baby – Explore the beautiful world of spirit baby communication.

If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of conception and the spiritual dimensions surrounding it, this webinar is for you.

Save the date: September 14th – 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, replay available
Where: Online – Link provided upon registration

Don’t miss this chance to begin or enhance your incredible journey toward conscious conception. Let’s embrace the magic together!

Ready to embark on this soulful adventure? Click the link to reserve your spot NOW!

It’s TIME for the New Earth Mamas (That means YOU)

Hello my Dear Sisters!

Perhaps you’re surprised to hear from me, as it’s been quite awhile ~and you’re most likely aware that I’ve retired from the Spirit Baby Realm~  but I’m coming here to share the conversation between me and Belle Tozer (I introduced her here as the New Spirit Baby Intuitive).

I just freaking LOVE Belle. As I say in the beginning of the following video, “Talking to Belle is like talking to myself, and I must really like talking to myself!” Seriously, though, her wisdom is in complete alignment with mine and it’s so wonderful to hear someone speaking my EXACT language.

I’ll be sharing a couple of conversations we’ve had in recent months here on Love From Baby, beginning with the one below.

And I also want to let you know that much of the best content I created in years past (which is more relevant than ever) is being up-cycled with Belle’s own AMAZING creations. She and I decided to keep it very affordable so that no one is excluded from communicating with their babies. So listen to our conversation below and check out our new collaboration.

Much LOVE!

~ Kate