prebirth communication

What ALL Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know

“What ALL Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know” is now a book. It includes all the info below and waaaay more awesome and totally life-changing stuff. Find out what YOUR spirit baby wants you to know, Sister. Click here.



I experienced truly amazing  pre-birth communication with my children. They told me what they looked like, what their names were, and what their personalities would be like. My first son even went so far as to tell me how he wanted to be born (by unassisted homebirth) and made sure all the info I needed fell right into my lap while I was pregnant with him. While communicating with my spirit babies I learned a lot about them, but I also learned  A LOT about myself. Prebirth communication is not only an opportunity to prepare us for motherhood, it is an opportunity for us to growing spiritually  ~ in LEAPS and BOUNDS!  My experience of pre-birth communication was so moving, so magical, so paradigm-shifting and so life-changing that it inspired me to create this site and, years later, write my first book “What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know.”

Dear Sister, If you found this page it’s because your own spirit baby directed you to it. And if you’re reading these words it’s because your spirit baby has messages for you. Perhaps you’ve had a dream of a baby and are wondering what it means. Maybe you’re grieving the loss of a baby and you’re wondering if he or she will return. Or maybe you simply have a yearning for a baby and are wondering when he or she will show up. No matter what your circumstances are, I can tell you without a doubt, that you DO have a spirit baby and that baby is communicating with you right now. You, Dear Sister, are experiencing prebirth communication.

The spirit baby realm is one of INFINITE love, truth, and limitlessness. The wisdom they provide will expand you and encourage you to step into your own limitlessness. And while I do give readings and am able to communicate with your baby, the person he/she REALLY wants to talk to is YOU. By the end of this article you’ll be to hear your spirit baby a little better. So without further ado, here’s some of what your future baby/babies want you to know:

* Yearning is never a one-way street. If you find yourself yearning for a baby, that baby is also yearning to join you. In many cases, it is the yearning on the baby’s part that precipitated YOUR yearning. If you are yearning for a baby, it means there is a Spirit Baby close to you who plans to come in sometime soon.

* Pay attention to your dreams. Dreams are the realm of Spirit Babies. This is when your mind is quiet and open and most receptive to messages from your Spirit Baby. If your baby comes to you in a dream, understand that this is COMMUNICATION. You can even ask to dream of your baby and chances are you will.

* If you have a set plan on when you’d like to conceive or when you’d like the baby to be born….chuck that silly ol’ plan out the window. Babies come when it’s most advantageous to their life’s purpose. In short, babies come only when they are damn well ready.

* If you have had a miscarriage (or even an abortion or still-born) it is MOST LIKELY  that the soul of that baby will return in a subsequent pregnancy. For frame of reference, I had 2 miscarriages before my first son was born and I KNOW he was the same soul in all those pregnancies. These days he comes up with stories on why he chose to go away and then come back later.  If you’ve suffered a loss, it was the loss of a body and NOT the loss of a soul. That baby can and will come back if you want. (This one is so important and they REALLY want you to know this so there is less suffering.)

* If you do have complications on the way to Mothering, know that it is helping your journey AND your baby’s journey. Sometimes choosing to have a baby is not so straightforward, but the journey there is soul-enriching and life-changing. Complications give rise to strength, compassion, empathy, flexibility AND it clears karma. Complications are something you and your baby agreed on to fulfill certain life-purposes. Your baby is still able and eager to communicate with you throughout all the ups and downs. No matter what, know that you are in this together. Even though having two miscarriages was so incredibly difficult and heart-breaking, I’m so thankful to have had those experiences. It changed me in ways that EASE couldn’t have.

* These babies REALLY WANT to communicate with you! Talk to them and they WILL hear you and acknowledge you in some way. They will, I promise!

* The babies coming in these days are VERY aware, and they require VERY aware parents. You may have to make some certain changes to raise your vibration high enough to receive these wise, new magical souls.  If you are in need of some physical or emotional healing you’ll hear repeated messages of how to do this. And the urges will be so strong you won’t be able to ignore it. These babies can be VERY insistent!

* The Spirit Babies want me to relay to you is that there is  no longer a need to learn lessons through suffering. This doesn’t mean that difficulties won’t arise, but it’s not the difficulties that cause suffering ~ it’s the resistance to the difficulties that cause suffering. If you are experiencing difficulties, it merely means a different course of action (usually via a different way of thinking) is required.  If difficulties arise, the Spirit Babies ask that you remain open to all possibilities rather than wallowing in the same small mind-frame. The answers may not come right away, but they will come when needed. Allow yourself to be confused AND open AND know the new answers will come.

And the final thing the Spirit Babies want me to impart to you right now (and this is said with emphasis):

* MIRACLES HAPPEN ALL THE TIME!  There is no “can’t” or “won’t” or “never will” in the Spirit Baby realm. The Spirit Baby realm is the realm of MIRACLES…and there even the impossible is possible.

GET THE BOOK NOW: It expands on all the information above and it will also expand YOU. It’s like your very own personal conversation with your spirit baby.

New to Love From Baby? Start HERE!

♥ Kate

Confessions from My Baby-Moon (or the Things a Mama “Shouldn’t” Say)

First off, in case you’re not familiar with the term “baby-moon” it’s very similar to a honeymoon ~ except it’s the bonding and falling in love with a newborn baby. Typically the baby-moon phase lasts anywhere between 4-12 weeks. I’m smack-dab in the middle of week number 2 and oh, how fiercely I love my little dark-haired son. Oh, the moments of bliss as I touch his tiny little toes and kiss his sweet little mouth. And when he’s awake and looking around with his dark blue newborn eyes, I truly feel as though I’m in the presence of greatness. So often I’m moved to tears as I luxuriate in his beauty and his newness.

But, I must confess, it’s not always like this. When he was just 2 days old and I was still grappling with the shock that I was nuzzling a boy instead of my Lilah I started to feel anger…no, RAGE…bubbling up inside me. It was night-time and my husband, Graeme, and I were trying to navigate bedtime with our 6 year old son Finn and 3 year old son Roan, as well as take care of our newborn son Kai. My 3 year old had been awakened by the baby and we had to start all over. As Graeme went downstairs with our Baby Kai, I noticed the rage gurgling in my heart. I wasn’t angry with Roan for waking up or with Kai for waking him up…I was angry with Lilah. VERY angry. Overcome with fatigue, overtaken with exhaustion, and overwhelmed with the realization that I had yet another nursling who will be attached constantly, limiting my time and my freedom, I really let her have it. I was willing to do this all over again for HER ~ as I felt she’d been asking. Frankly, I never really thought of having three children until she came to me and for HER I decided to do it.

So I started mentally yelling at her. “How DARE you!” I raged.  “How DARE you! After 3 years of dreams, intuitions, and visions of you! After all the promises of you! How DARE you visit my friends in dreams! How DARE you make me draw the “Daughter” card over and over from my oracle decks! How DARE you send me all these signs that you’re on your way! I put myself out there claiming my certainty of you thinking I was spreading the magic of prebirth communication…and now I feel that everyone is disappointed for me! How DARE you not show up!”  

The anger, I must admit, felt REALLY GOOD. I allowed myself to rage as needed, silently and quietly in my head. The next morning I woke up with it still lingering as I vehemently cleared the “Daughter” card from my alter and covered her name up on my vision board. And as I did this I heard her say, “Your anger is appropriate. Give it to me ~ I can handle it.” So I did and I even called her a few choice names as I yelled and cried.

My beloved husband came in shortly thereafter, saw my tears and asked if I wanted to talk about it. “Okay,” I said, “But it’s not going to be pretty.” And then he provided me with a safe place to vent and process my feelings, with no judgment. He fully supported me and even agreed with me, which is what I so badly needed.

As the day continued on I started to feel more peaceful and, at times, even elated. I felt Lilah again and I felt her celebrating. My anger was not only appropriate, it was essential ~ and acknowledging it instead of repressing it was allowing me forward LEAPS in our journey. It would have been so easy to repress it ~ as we’re just not “supposed” to have such thoughts after giving birth to a healthy baby. And we’re certainly not “supposed” to talk about it. But acknowledging those things I’m not “supposed” to brought me to a new place ~ a place not just of acceptance, but a place of embracement (it’s not a word, but it should be). I found a place where it finally started to feel RIGHT to say the name “Kai,” a place where it feels PERFECT to have another boy, and a place where I don’t have to understand everything in order to be at PEACE with it.

Interestingly enough, I’ve never felt a shred of anger toward my newborn, Kai. Curiosity yes, anger no. And maybe that’s because I was gifted with safe places to process my anger ~ with my husband and with Lilah.

Many friends have said they don’t feel like Lilah and I are done, and I can’t help but agree. I don’t know what form it will take but I feel we’re destined to meet one day. In the meantime I’m finally (and quickly) in a state of embracing and rejoicing Kai. Thank you, Lilah and Kai, for the gifts in each moment of our journeys together. I love you both….

Our Angel, Kai

Love from Baby….Birth Announcement.

August 15th ~

I’m lying here on the bed next to my tiny, dark-haired baby….BOY. I already love him so much. Though he is a stranger, I already know his wisdom and courage. He’s already shared with me that it’s appropriate to mourn Lilah even as I rejoice with him.

We had an easy, gentle and fast birth in the privacy of our candle-lit bathroom ~ just my husband and me, as we are accustomed. I had started feeling MUCH better on August 13th (the full moon) and my husband and I both knew I would give birth shortly after I started feeling better. That night of August 13th, I went to bed feeling such RELIEF that I was feeling blissful ~ I felt like I had made to the other side of something extremely powerful that I still can’t even comprehend. Baby and I enjoyed an exchange of intermingling feelings of relief, bliss, and accomplishment…and now that I think about it, Baby was moving around so much that night that perhaps that is when Lilah switched with him.

I know gender-switching sounds crazy, but there are others who believe this to be a real phenomena that can happen in the womb..and I can’t help but feel that’s what happened in this case, because I KNOW Lilah was there. I also know that the “healing crisis” I went through the past 3 weeks has a lot to do with this outcome. From material that fell in my lap, it’s obvious that part of what I was experiencing was an internal rewiring to help me withstand higher frequencies AND to help me give birth to a high vibrational baby ~ THIS is that baby and I feel Lilah has gifted us with him.

And though I wholeheartedly embrace this beautiful gift, I know I must mourn Lilah as I’ve been expecting her for over 3 years, have dreamed about her constantly, shopped for her blissfully and felt like I already knew her. So this morning I tearfully packed all her clothes away and said goodbye. I’m so disappointed not to be meeting her but I know all is PERFECT and in Divine Order. Maybe someday soon I’ll get a glimpse of the bigger picture ~ for now I need to say goodbye to her so I can fully move toward this handsome, dark-haired boy who has so much to teach me.

He’s nameless for now, but we’re leaning toward “Kai” ~ which means REJOICE.

Happy Birthday, Little Boy. We love you.

P.S. There is a large part of me that feels guilty even writing out these words as I’ve been blessed with a beautiful, HEALTHY baby and another beautiful birth. But denying my feelings would not serve me ~ and I think it’s important for others to read this in case they’ve ever felt guilty for the same feelings. My disappointment over not meeting Lilah doesn’t in any way diminish my love for this new, wonderful boy. There is wisdom in the journey, just as there is wisdom in the sharing. And now that I’ve told my story, I’m feeling much peace. Off to cuddle my newborn. Love to you….