A Short Chat Over Tea

I have this story I want to tell ~ the story of how Kai switched with Lilah in the womb. This is what my husband and I (and a couple of psychics) believe to have happened. I started the draft to share with you…but I haven’t finished it. Okay, I haven’t even gotten past the first paragraph. I don’t know why. It’s a beautiful story, a miraculous story ~ but for some reason I’m unable to share it just yet. And because I thought this story HAD to be my next blog post, you haven’t heard from me in almost a month.

So, I’m giving myself permission to put that post on the back-burner for now. I’m letting myself off the hook just so I can BE in this blog again. ‘Cause I like it here. There’s something magical about Love From Baby and I can feel a blooming energy around it.

Our Facebook page has increased from 16 likes since my last post to 414 ~ that’s in less than 30 days! It’s a fun page too ~ I pull cards a couple of times a week for pregnant Mamas from my Prebirth Communication Oracle Deck, I feature some beautiful pages of doulas, midwives, and other birth junkies, and I post some really adorable pictures. Please join in the fun, if you haven’t already.

Since my last post, Kai turned 9 months old. One Monday a few weeks ago he cut his first tooth, started crawling, started pulling himself up to stand, started waving AND started signing “milk.” This was ALL IN ONE DAY! Since then life has been a bit busier. I’m finding I’m getting less done because I can’t just plop Kai down with things to play with. Now I have to constantly monitor him. The changes take some getting used to ~ it’s a good thing he’s so darn adorable.

Life is sweet right now. I feel on the verge of something REALLY GOOD, although I can’t articulate what exactly. I know many of us are feeling that way right now and it’s exciting. A true SHIFT is occurring and we are smack dab in the middle of it. I hope you are feeling it too.

I’d love to hear from you! What are your babies doing now or how is your pregnancy going? Do you have any projects you’d like to share a link to? Tell me Β EVERYTHING! I’ll get the tea on. β™₯

Love and Sparkles,
