Oct 21 2013
Spirit Baby Wisdom: A Different Way to TTC (Part 1)
Oh, how I remember the period of my life where I was TTC (trying to conceive). When I think back to that time, 2 miscarriages and 3 sons ago, the feelings that stand out for me are ones of frustration, impatience, and wild desperation. Sure, there were feelings of hope and promise mingled in, especially during the 2ww (2 week wait after ovulation) but frankly I was an possessed-obsessed-control-freak and NOT much fun to be around. I was known to coerce my husband into having sex when he didn’t want to, flip off every pregnant woman around me, and throw HUGE tantrums when aunt flo would make an appearance. Yes, I was a fucking maniac.
It took my second miscarriage to snap me out of it. By then I was so devastated, so disheartened and so pissed off that I just chucked my thermometer and my fertility charts into the garbage in a fit of rage. Two months later I got pregnant again and this time for keeps. It had taken another tragedy for me to finally surrender and let go. That’s how it had to happen for me, but that’s not how it has to happen for everyone. We don’t need to learn through suffering anymore.
Trying to conceive should NOT be about suffering ~ and that’s what the Spirit Baby Realm really wants us to know.
The Spirit Baby Realm has a very different perception of the whole TTC journey than we do from our human vantage and they are so eager to share it with us. So, take a deep breath and expand your consciousness in all directions. Feel your Spirit Baby hovering around your head (that’s where they like to hang out) and feel your energy mingle with your Baby.
And just for a few moments, take a journey so you can see what he/she sees and feel what he/she feels. Feel the energy behind these words and encoded in this message ~ this is the energy of your Spirit Baby and he/she is so glad to see you here.
This is what your Spirit Baby wants you to know:
* The very fact that you’re TTC and yearning for a baby means that you have a Spirit Baby (or Babies) around you in your energetic field. Often times it is the yearning from your Spirit Baby to come into the world that precipitates YOUR yearning. The yearning for a baby is never a one-way street. Your baby wants you as much as you want him/her. Rest assured, you’re not TTC in vain. You’re TTC because your Spirit Baby wants to be here. And will be!
* This TTC journey is something you and your baby chose to go through together. It is part of the soul contract between you and your baby (and the baby’s father). It is something all of you agreed to experience together for higher reasons ~ either reasons of karmic clearing from past life-times or reasons of soul growth in this lifetime. Often both are happening at the same time. Know that your TTC journey has helped you grow in leaps and bounds more than any other path you could have taken, which is why it’s often been so intense. So instead of ever feeling like a victim to your TTC journey, your Baby wants you to feel like a victor ~ for you have fulfilled your part of the soul contract beautifully and your Baby has benefited from this just as much as you. Feel your Baby THANKING you…
* You don’t have to “earn” your Baby. So many times we get caught up in doing the “right” things, eating the “right” things, acting the “right” way in order to “deserve” a baby. The Spirit Baby realm wants us to know that having our heart’s desires is part of our birthright of being human! What we want most in life is not something we have to earn or deserve, it is our birthright ~ and this includes everything, including our Baby! Your TTC journey has nothing to do with you doing things “wrong” or not being good enough in anyway. There should be no guilt or judgment attached to why this is taking longer than you want. It’s all unfolding as it should, for the higher reasons stated above. Having your Baby is your birthright…period.
* Divine Timing can not be forced or controlled. I personally have been trying to make peace with Divine Timing for many, many years. Patience has never been my strong suit and most of the time I get really pissed that Divine Timing seems QUITE a bit behind my own personal timing. However, we are being asked to TRUST in Divine Timing…as it always brings us something better than we could have personally planned ourselves. We need to look at delays as protection ~ protection against anything less than our truest heart’s desires. When we can find a place of truly trusting in Divine Timing, we let go of our agendas, our timetables, and our expectations and then we put our Spirit Baby in the driver’s seat.
* We can chart all we want, examine our cervical mucous all we want, and we can take our temperature every morning if that truly brings us joy…but the Spirit Babies want us to know this is not even remotely necessary, and can even sometimes act as an external distraction from internal things that need to be looked at. And the Spirit Babies REALLY want me to point out that when the conditions are right and the energy is right, we should never underestimate the phenomena of spontaneous ovulation. This happens all the time! Our babies can come in whenever they damn well please and it has NOTHING to do with a chart!
So, now we know that we DEFINITELY have a Spirit Baby that is ready to come in. We know that he/she WANTS to be with us as much as we want to be with them. We know that Divine Timing is in play and we are being asked to trust it. We know that our Baby takes little regard to when we are “supposed” to ovulate. Where does that leave us? What are we supposed to DO with this information?
Frankly, there is very little we HAVE to do. Our higher selves and our Spirit Babies are running the show, and we are being asked to follow their lead. But because “doing” is part of human nature, there are some wonderful things we can do as we prepare for the (inevitable) reunion with our Baby. Things that will bring us joy, enhance our life in every way and put us in strong communication with our Spirit Babies.
This will be included in Part 2. Be sure to sign up for my blog on the top, right-hand part of this page to read it as soon as it’s ready. Until then, know your baby is very close to you, loves you very much, and is leaving you with this question, “Mama, if you KNEW, without a doubt, that I was coming within the next couple of months, how would you live life differently now?” ♥
Oct 21, 2013 @ 21:16:07
This is my 2nd time reading this post today. I love It!!! Can’t wait for part 2 =D
Oct 21, 2013 @ 21:16:29
This is exactly what my heart soul and body have been feeling and saying.. You wrote everything I have felt.. The comfort in this to me was simply so profound and so gentle to my heart.. It gave me comfort and the desire to let go and just know my baby babies are waving to me and their father..
Kate you are an angel
Love ya dear sister
Ahhhhhhh feeling myself holding my baby babies and kissing their little feet 🙂
Kate Street
Oct 22, 2013 @ 09:48:21
Kathy and Zinny! BOTH your comments are giving me chills (that seems to be happening a lot this morning in my Spirit Baby work!), which indicates that you baby is around and CELEBRATING!
LOVE you, Mamas!!!
Nov 12, 2013 @ 09:13:14
Dear Kate,
Whilst we are not TTC, I was guided to you, your site and this post tonight. You have such a beautiful soul fulfilling gift. Thank you for lifting the veil between our world and theirs.
I feel love from my spirit baby, and I am lost for words. I will keep open, aware and trust from here on in.
You are an angel,
Thank you again
Kate Street
Nov 12, 2013 @ 22:00:37
Nicole, thank you for your lovely comment! I do hope that I’ll be seeing more of you, Dear Sister. ♥
Nov 12, 2013 @ 22:12:16
Sisters… I need some love and light right now… Please… Peroid is late, cramping back hurts so bad.. Not sure why these emotions are overtaking me. I want to scream I am scared .. This is not a dream.. It’s 911 right now…
Love you all thank you
UV Indigo
Feb 09, 2014 @ 05:54:30
this was posted on my birthday! :DDD I hope I will meet my babies soon.
Feb 09, 2014 @ 07:09:16
Wanted to say hello and send some hugs and love to you ladies 🙂
It’s been challengings as everyone around me is having a baby… I turned 40 yrs old in January. As I found myself so excited to be that age, and then as the day approached, I just frozen and cried. I was 40 and my babies haven’t come home yet. I will not give up. But this is the HARDEST thing I have ever gone through in my life.. As I received sooooooooo many messages amd signs from these spirit babies..
Hope everyone is well and enJoYIng the New Year with new creations to come…
Kate Street
Feb 09, 2014 @ 10:29:33
Don’t give up on your Babies, Dear Sister. The messages are real and so is the promise. And remember that age is not a factor in the Spirit Baby Realm or the New Energy. I’m thinking it’s going to be a promising Spring for you. Trust. And in the meantime, try some new things and dip yourself in pleasure. You ARE meant to be a Mama. It IS happening. ♥
Feb 09, 2014 @ 19:41:52
Thank you Dear Sister! Your words just brought me so much peace! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING 🙂
Love love love you! HUGSSSSSSSS
Jul 30, 2014 @ 12:22:31
I’ve been feeling my spirit babies since my mid 20’s. However, I’ve been longing for a visit in dreams with them. And have gotten no visit other than a dream of an infant back in fall and a pos preg test in march. But it was just a dream. My baby fever is getting worse as month by month I get a neg preg test. I’ve felt so much disappointment and frustration. I wish to know that my time will be soon. I’m tired of seeing everyone around me enjoy their second child and friends and family asking me about being pregnant. Any inspiration will help ease this loneliness of mine. Thank you so much.
Jul 31, 2014 @ 19:32:53
Janice-I feel you….. I have been feeling the spirit babies for over 20 years and I just turned 40 and will not give up! I have signs all the time.. Everyone in my life has children, it’s a challeng but I am trusting why it is taking them a little longer to come in my womb. Month after month I cry I scream I cry I scream so sad at times for me. My whole life I have had only 1 baby dream. I can’t wait until that day I look at my belly and talk to my little souls.. Feeling twins
Don’t give up soul sister!!!!!!!!!! They are with you 🙂
Jul 31, 2014 @ 19:43:03
Janice – after I sent you those messages and I said twins. I logged unto Facebook and on the Today show it showed twins sitting in a bath tub! The universe working it’s magic 🙂 ask for signs and they will deliver .. Sending hugs
Jul 31, 2014 @ 19:34:22
Janice – look at the time you sent that message .. Look at the 222 🙂
Blessings coming your way
Angels all around you.. Pink roses everywhere 🙂
Sep 13, 2014 @ 22:46:14
Thank you so much for this, exactly what I needed. I have felt a presence around me for a few years now, really strong for a while then went away. My nephew said to me a few weeks back, “aunt jeni, I tried to come to you first when I was a bubble but I couldn’t get in, so I found mommy instead” Lately the overwhelming feeling has returned and some mornings it is hard for me to believe that I don’t have my own child. I sometimes set the table for three, my husband says expecting somebody? I always laugh and say to myself mommy will be ready for you as soon as your ready for me. I love this child already and have for quite sometime. I had a beautiful vision of a boy and a girl by the river holding hands looking over the water, sunshine in their hair, but couldn’t see faces. I love taking myself back there and soaking in it.
Dec 10, 2014 @ 17:44:50
Hi Kate
I am feeling extremely low and have been crying since the day I got my periods and guess what more could happen the day I got them my closest friend who just tried once told me she is expecting. I am emotionally very broken and I feel like there is no hope for me. I just went online and searched and found your blog and read it. I just need some hope that it will happen one day! Trust me I am going through the worst phase in my life nothing seems to happen right. I have seen everyone getting pregnant except me. I don’t know what more should I do. Please help that how did the miracle happen to you. I wish it was easy to have a baby. I am very dishearten and very broken from within.Your message is very heart touching… I pray and hope everyone who is TTC have baby/babies soon. How can you stop thinking when that is all I want..
Dec 30, 2014 @ 17:45:41
SB,sister all will be fine. Your emotions and feelings are appropriate. There are many of us that have walked in your shoes. YOU are not alone in this journey.~~ May 2015 bring many answered prayers and many miracles(babies). Peace and Blessings to all !!!!
Sep 12, 2015 @ 11:59:05
Thank you so much for this post. I got married to the love of my life in my twenties but never wanted kids. I got widowed at 40 and now I’m 45. I’ve had a sudden yearning for children. But there is no man in sight and I have just let it go in terms of if its meant to be it will come. I’m a medium and a clairvoyant but I never read for myself. I was guided to this site and I’m grateful to read. There was a spirit baby in my aura and I used to communicate with it. He came through yesterday and my “logical” mind said “I’m 45 and there isn’t anyone in my life. How’s this possible?” Thank you for your post! Blessings
Oct 26, 2015 @ 13:13:21
Thank you for writing this, as your post has been incredibly helpful. I’m really looking forward to part 2. 🙂
Mar 09, 2016 @ 17:39:04
Distraught is all I feel all the time. Ttc for 4 years, one loss and I’m turning 45! I just don’t understand. I feel like I’m being punished for something. I can’t find joy in life although I have a great life. All I can think about is having a baby. I’m angry when others are having what I want. I feel old. I feel scared that my parents will be too old to be grandparents. I feel cut off socially, I have friends who are grandparents, including my own husband! We are going to be grandparents for the second time and I just can’t get happy about it. I feel soooo alone, I feel like I cant share how I really feel with my husband, I don’t want to ruin my marriage with sadness and I feel like a broken record. I just don’t know how to cope. I just wish I could be told with 100 percent certainty I will be a mother and maybe I could relax.
Kate Street
Mar 09, 2016 @ 17:42:34
You will with 100% certainty be a Mother.
Mar 09, 2016 @ 22:10:41
Chantel -I feel the same way you do….. I just turned 42 and I often don’t know how to cope either… Tears sadness and anger is how I feel sometimes.. I often wonder if my babies will ever come home to my and my husband..
Kate- thank you for sharing all this with us…love ya!!!
Trying To Conceive: Believing in the Impossible
Feb 03, 2017 @ 14:42:03
[…] Article: A Different Way to TTC Part 1 […]
Sep 28, 2017 @ 03:35:30
i am wanting a second child. turned 36 this year and my partner doesn’t want a second one at all as he feels we are now in a comfortable stage where our daughter has grown up and no more baby stresses. i am yearning for my second baby and so is my 6 year old girl wanting a baby brother or sister. i have been crying and feel the strong urge and pain within. i recently got introduced to the baby spirit while browsing the internet and was so drwn to this who experience. i want to know if i will conceive any soon and will my partner agree for a second child?
Jan 22, 2018 @ 11:30:57
Written so well and really touched me! Thank you! Ttc for 4 yrs and now I have so much hope!
Apr 15, 2018 @ 11:04:48
hi ladies i lost my little girl about 4 years ago now ive been having dreams and sensing her around i thought i was going crazy but reading this site has giving me a little hope that she might come home i guess im looking for answers