Nov 25 2013
A Different Way to TTC Part 2
This blog post is dedicated to my pioneering Sisters who did the first round of the TTC Game-Changer Package. You’ve changed the energy, Dear Sisters, and you’re free. ♥
“Mama, if you KNEW, without a doubt, that I was coming within the next couple of months, how would you live life differently now?” This was the question posed to you by your Spirit Baby in part one of the “Different Way to TTC” series.
Think about it for a moment. Take a deep breath, relax, and feel into the wisdom of your heart. If you KNEW that your baby would be here within the next few months ~ and there was nothing you needed to do or even COULD do to interfere with the Divine Timing of the processs ~ what would you do? How would you feel? How would you live?
Take another deep breath and feel the energy of your Spirit Baby coming very close. Your Spirit Baby’s energy is so close that it is now mingling with the energy of your Soul. There is an energetic embrace and exchange going on right now between your baby’s energy and your Soul’s energy. Listen with your heart to the wisdom they have to share.
* Your Spirit Baby and your Soul want you to know that you are FREE. You’re more free now than you’ve ever been. If you’ve been pre-occupied, distracted, and/or obsessed with your TTC journey, know that it is time to truly let go of that journey and release it. Your baby IS here. Your baby WILL come. Wipe your mind of the doubt, the frustration, and the impatience. Those feelings were appropriate before, but they are not appropriate now. For you are FREE. You are free to FEEL THE KNOWING in your heart (feel it now, you KNOW it). You are free to have whatever you truly want in your life ~ people, experiences, things. You are free to have all your heart’s desires. Know this. Know you are free.
* With the knowledge of your freedom, comes different ways of being. Imagine that you’ve been in a cage this whole time, and the door has now been opened. That is exactly what has happened ~ and yet, most people get so used to the cage that they don’t even see the open door or know what to do with it, so they just sit there, not knowing a whole new world has opened up. A new world, no matter how wonderful, can be scary at first because it’s so unfamiliar. We’ve been taught to be afraid of the unfamiliar, so again we sit in our uncomfortable cage because it’s familiar. Take the first step and walk out of that damn cage. Be brave, Dear Sister, and walk into the unknown. Allow yourself to feel disorientated and confused at first. Know that if you keep taking steps you’ll easily learn the ways of your new world. It won’t take long. Your Spirit Baby and your Soul are guiding you. Allow yourself to be led. Allow yourself to be cradled. Allow it to unfold beautifully before you. Just take that first step out of your cage.
* You’ll know you’re ready to step out of your cage when you’re ready to try new things. This is where your Soul really starts to shine. There are things your Soul came here to experience, and NOW is the time. Put your hand to heart, Dear Sister, and listen to the desires of your Soul that have been whispering in your ear since your childhood. Children are innately in touch with their Souls, until they’re taught not to be, and then we forget. It’s time to remember why you came here and what you wanted to experience. Your Spirit Baby wants this FOR you. Your Spirit Baby wants your Soul to be happy. Happy Mamas make happy babies. Remember.
* Follow the JOY. Joy is the true north on your new world compass. If an idea or an experience elicits a joy response from you, you’ll know that your Soul has choreographed it for you and that you should follow it. You’ll find that being joyful actually takes a lot less energy than suffering. But it will take practice until joy becomes your default. Keep doing new things ~ have new thoughts, create new patterns, change your daily routine around. Don’t try to recreate the patterns from your small caged-in life. Joy is BIG and without limits. You are limitless now. Follow your limitless joy.
* Talk to yourself like you believe in yourself. This again take practice until it becomes a default but it feels so much better. When you hear that sad voice in your head say “I’ll never be pregnant. This is taking so long. What am I doing wrong?” affirm instead “I’ll be pregnant soon when the time is right. I trust myself, I trust my baby.” Do this with any negative self talk ~ just redirect it as if you BELIEVE you’re free and as if you BELIEVE that you’re about to get exactly what you want. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
* Dedicate yourself to YOURSELF! You’ve dedicated so much time to your Spirit Baby, which again, was entirely appropriate. Now that you know he/she IS coming, it’s time to truly dedicate yourself to YOU. Dedicate yourself to living freely and joyfully! Dedicate yourself to having exactly what you want because you KNOW you deserve it! Dedicate yourself to exquisite pleasure! To delirious happiness! To sensual food! To hot sex! To saying YES when you want to and saying NO when you want to! Dedicate yourself to all things decadent and luxurious and beautiful. PLEASURE and JOY are our birth-rights and THAT’S what we came here to experience. This is what your Spirit Baby is coming to experience. We are here to be FULLY ourselves, in our own unique way ~ to play, to laugh, to love. Be you ~ the BIG you ~ and live the life you’ve always dreamed. There is nothing you can’t do. So go DO IT. And know that your Spirit Baby is cheering you on the whole way….
Want more? Check out the TTC Game-Changer Package and begin a whole new journey with your Spirit Baby.
Mary Jo
Nov 25, 2013 @ 13:24:27
Love this Kate! I have been finding myself slipping into those worry habits now that we are ready to conceive again. Worried about getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy but I know when the time is right it will happen. And I am just starting again as of this week!
Kate Street
Nov 25, 2013 @ 14:40:12
And I would highly encourage you to actually have a moment with your hubby where you (out loud) invite your baby in. Saying something like: “Baby, we are ready for you and are excited to welcome you in whenever the time is right.” THAT is really all you need to do now when intending to conceive. Welcome the baby in and then go on living life joyfully, Dear Sister. No keeping track of dates, ovulation, etc. It really CAN be that easy! Enjoy Mary Jo! ♥
Nov 25, 2013 @ 15:00:27
Beautiful and just perfect Kate!! Thank you.. I have been doubting lately .u 40th bday is coming up in a few months Vavd then I started questioning myself. And the all the signs start showing up ! 911 amazing ! Love that you sent this divine timing!
Love you all
Kate Street
Nov 25, 2013 @ 15:06:52
40 is the new 16, so you’ll actually be a teen mother! 😉 Live your most beautiful life, Dear Sister, and KNOW your baby is almost here. ♥
Feb 08, 2016 @ 12:55:34
I’m 44…never been pregnant! Deep down I KNOW it can happen! I know my Spirit Baby is around….but…. sometimes the “worry” of being “not young enough” creeps in and that it’s taking the time that it’s taking. But I keep trusting and believing!!Thank you Kate and all you dear Mamas!❤️
Mary Jo
Nov 25, 2013 @ 16:23:45
There is a book out now saying that all this stuff about hsving trouble conceiving in 30s and 40s is based on statistics from a couple hundred years ago and is wildly out of date. Women are being unduly stressed over age I think.
Kate Street
Nov 25, 2013 @ 16:29:31
omg, YES!!!! (What is that book?!)
Mary Jo
Nov 25, 2013 @ 20:08:49
The impatient woman’s guide to getting pregnant. I don’t have the book but it was featured on a story on NPR.
Nov 25, 2013 @ 17:34:52
I really needed to hear this.. I finally let go of all the stress and worrying and got my BFP 2 days ago.
But right now I feel like I am having a miscarriage.. and this will be my 3rd one. I feel so depressed and im really trying to stay positive and know that things happen for a reason but its soo hard.
Kate Street
Nov 25, 2013 @ 18:02:54
Kathy, I know how scary this is. Take a deep breath and invite your baby to stay. Affirm that you don’t have to learn lessons this way anymore. Talk to your baby and tell him/her to stay (I’m sure you already are). This is all you can do. I just did a little ritual inviting your baby to stay as well. On our part, that’s all we can do. If your baby leaves again, it’s because of unfinished business on his/her end. I’ll be holding the space and the vision of your baby staying with you, Dear Sister. ♥
Nov 26, 2013 @ 16:07:10
Just wanted to say thank you for your words last night. As the storm slowly passes im starting to see the light. I can actually say that today I feel more calm than yesterday =)
Thank you!!
Kate Street
Nov 27, 2013 @ 15:36:09
Kathy, so glad to hear it. I’ve been thinking of you! ♥
Nov 25, 2013 @ 20:28:43
Hi Kate
Thank you for this. This is the first month where I have tried the chanting and inviting my SB in. Amazing how much stronger I feel her now. Despite that strong feeling I still encounter times of doubt that maybe I am imagining her or making it up (almost like an imaginary friend) I needed to read this to try an trust myself again so thank you for that!
Kate Street
Nov 25, 2013 @ 20:45:45
Hi Christine ~ this is such an important comment, because even in our KNOWING we will encounter moments of doubt (sometimes many moments). It’s up to us whether we feed the doubt or feed the knowing. I know when I feel those feelings of doubt, it can be so intense ~ so I invite them in, validate their feelings saying “of course you feel this way,” while embracing them in my knowing. I’m finding EMBRACING the doubt to me (like a Mama hugging her fearful child), rather than releasing it is so much more powerful and transformative. Sounds like you’re doing beautifully, Dear Sister. ♥
Nov 27, 2013 @ 23:44:48
Thank you ALL… These words and love from you all is helping me stay calm and positive. This evening I felt this child. So close so close . WOW
Can’t wait to meet all you Mamas and feel those baby bellies 🙂
Xoxox xoxoxo
Dec 04, 2013 @ 00:18:38
Hello loves…..
Could this be the moment .. Spirit Baby?
Xoxoxo 🙂
Jan 15, 2014 @ 18:55:11
thank you for this inspiring information! I have been hearing my spirit baby for the past few months now, as I am a psychic medium. I never thought it was possible to communicate with our preconceived children though until I started seeing images of a baby around me constantly. I meditated on the baby and realized he is MY BABY! I then decided to research if other people have had this experience and I came across this wonderful site of yours! thank you so much for letting me know im not alone.
Jan 27, 2014 @ 22:29:01
Sister Kate,thank you for your gifts. I did your TTC 2 package. My life hasn’t been the same. Everything changed all around me. My energy became more positive. I’ve become closer to my BABY. I’ve been able to grow in my intuitive gifts. What these babies are doing is amazing! Look at how many of us are coming together and some because of you,sister. I never thought we could communicate with these spirit babies. It is an absolute promise that they are coming. Come hell or high water..they are coming. This truly is a sisterhood and we are very fortunate and special to be living it. It’s magical!! We love you sister!
Jun 28, 2014 @ 21:50:46
Hello ALL 🙂
Felt I needed to connect 🙂 Feeling my spirit baby… Feeling the joy 🙂
Hope everyone is doing well and keeping the FAITH
Mar 03, 2015 @ 01:30:26
This is AMAZING! I love it. Thank you so much for sharing it. I am headed for JOY…catch you all later!
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